En barnopera blir till…

I got an idea a few years ago. The idea was to use a phrase from an opera aria or duet and twist and turn it until it became a completely new aria. Using a single duet to create a new opera. At least a little opera. Maybe 35-40 minutes at most. For children

Much like a professor Baltazar, I went around in circles with my idea but there was never really time to get to grips with it, and besides, I had neither ACTION nor MESSAGE. I thought it was very important to start precisely at that end. But now I know better. I know that it’s really just a matter of pulling on the poor little thread you found and the rest will come by itself!

The fine theater group Teater Jaguar in Gothenburg with long experience in productions for children made me an offer: Come here and do your children’s opera on our stage! I presented my idea to actor Jonas Rimeika and cellist and composer Jonas Franke-Blom and both Jonas seemed to like my idea. J.Rimeika was also studying conflict management from a non-violent perspective at the University of Gothenburg and that spiced up my old idea. In opera, both the inner and the outer conflict are the very starting point to the fact that you just really have to break out into song or die! And then you might still die… All spring, Jonas has been telling me about his study literature and all the lectures he attends. Fantastically exciting!! And important!!!

Och så var det det där med pengar. Mitt lilla konstprojekt låter sig inte göras gratis. Vi måste ha lön för vi har familjer att försörja. Och lilla myran mli satte sig o skrev en ansökan till STATEN. Rättare sagt statens kulturråd. Och statens kulturråd gjorde tummen upp! (Men icke kulturnämnden i Göteborg. 🙁  ) Och med den lilla slant vi nu har så börjar vår resa att tillverka min barnopera. Följ resan här på hejoperabloggen! För vad tror du läsare att mitt nya operakompani egentligen heter?


Den vackra loggan är skapad av Jenny Modéer på Modéerska Huset.

Snart får ni veta mer… 🙂

Och idag ska ni få höra den duett som vår opera kommer att bygga på. Vridas, vändas, bändas, slaktas, klistras ihop, dras ut osv… Kommer man nånsin få höra hur den SKA LÅTA!?

La ci darem la mano ur Don Giovanni.

Rod (Rodney) Gilfry – Mozart: ”Là ci darem la mano”

(Our opera will not be about the characters in the Don Giovanni story. We will only borrow the notes, add new text and new driving forces, subtexts, desires, goals, means, action and activity, internal and external obstacles. A completely different story! )

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